Summary: It is determined that the value of the mobility foreseen in article 32 of Law No. 24,241 and its amendments, corresponding to the month of June 2019, is 10.74%. The indexes of update of the monthly remunerations received by the workers in dependency relationship that cease since May 31, 2019 or request their benefit from June 1, 2019, are approved.
Status of the Standard: Valid
Date: 05/14/2019
B.O. 5/15/2019
Validity and Application: from 5/15/2019
Issuing Body: Social Security Secretariat of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Nation
Number of Items: 3
Annexes: 1
HAVING SEEN EX-2019-42511269-APN-SESS # MSYDS, Laws No. 24,241, No. 26,417, No. 27,260 and No. 27,426, Decree No. 110 dated February 7, 2018; Resolutions of the SECRETARIAT OF SOCIAL SECURITY No. 2 dated February 9, 2018, No. 6 dated May 4, 2018 and No. 10 dated August 3, 2018, No. 2 dated November 22, 2018 and No. 4 dated February 20, 2019 and
Through Article 1 of Law No. 27,426, article 32 of Law No. 24,241 and its amendments were replaced, and a new mobility index was established for the services mentioned in subparagraphs a), b), c ), d), e), and f) of article 17 of that legal body.
That in no case the application of the aforementioned index may produce a decrease in the amount received by the beneficiary.
That as of March 1, 2018, mobility is determined by seventy percent (70%) due to variations in the General Level of the National Consumer Price Index prepared by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) and in thirty percent (30%) for the coefficient that arises from the variation of the Average Taxable Compensation of Stable Workers (RIPTE), according to the formula that appears in Annex I of Law No. 27,426, and is applied quarterly in the months of March, June, September and December of each calendar year.
That by article 4 of Law No. 27,426, this Social Security Department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development was entrusted with carrying out the quarterly calculation of mobility and its subsequent publication.
That by article 3 of the aforementioned law, article 2 of Law No. 26,417 was replaced, and it was established that for updating the remuneration referred to in article 24, paragraph a) and those mentioned in the article 97 of Law N ° 24,241 and its amendments, a combined index will be applied between that foreseen in subsection b) of section I of article 5 of Law N ° 27,260 and its amendment and the index established by the Average Taxable Compensation of Stable Workers (RIPTE).
That the regulation of the aforesaid provision, through Decree No. 110/18, instructed this Social Security Secretariat to establish, as of March 1, 2018, and quarterly, said index.
That the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS AND CENSUS (INDEC), has officially reported the variations of the General Level of the National Consumer Price Index.
That the GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF LEGAL AFFAIRS and the SUBSECRETARIAT OF INSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ARTICULATION have taken the intervention of their competence, by virtue of the modifications made to the Ministries Act by Decrees No. 801 and No. 802, both dated September 5 of 2018.
That this measure is issued by virtue of the provisions of the Law of Ministries and its amending and complementary rules, Article 4 of Law No. 27,426 and its regulations set forth in Article 2 of Annex I, approved by Article 1 Decree 110 of February 7, 2018, Decree No. 174 of March 2, 2018 and its amendments and supplements.
Art. 1 – Determine that the value of the mobility provided for in article 32 of Law No. 24,241 and its amendments, corresponding to the month of June 2019, is TEN COMA SEVENTY-FOUR percent (10.74%), according to the formula in ANNEX I of Law N ° 27,426.
Art. 2 – The update rates of the monthly remunerations received by the workers in dependency relationship that cease from MAY 31, 2019 or request their benefit from JUNE 1, 2019, as established in the article, were approved. 2 ° of Law No. 26,417, in accordance with the values set forth in the ANNEX.
Art. 3 ° – Of form.